Be a part of Mazamaza Stores. Sell your products to the Nigerians...

Become a Seller/Vendor


Register Seller/Vendor Account

  • Create a seller/vendor account on Mazamaza Stores for only NGN-10000  and you will get access to sell your products for 90 day validation. 

  • If you can't sell anything in 90 Days, don't worry your money will not be wasted and your subscription will be renewed automatically for 90 days again. 


Send Your Products to our warehouse

  • Send your products to our warehouse by our shipping partner "CHISCO Transport" for a little cost. 

  • Your products will be stored in a safe & secure warehouse.

  • We will take the responsibility for taking good looking pictures of your products and uploading them on the website just for a little cost. 


And Take a Relax

  • Forget the hustle, Mazamaza takes care of everything, so you can watch your sales & earnings from your seller/vendor dashboard

  • You will notified after getting any sales and can apply for withdraw your money from the dashboard panel directly.

Commission of Mazamaza

Mazamaza Charge only 10% for your every sales

Register as a vendor Now!!


Here are some common questions about selling on Mazamaza

You can sell a wide range of products, including fashion, electronics, home and appliances, health and beauty, and many others.
And also you can sell Digital Products also…

You can sell a wide range of products, including fashion, electronics, home and appliances, health and beauty, and many others.

Mazamazastores Marketplace supports a variety of payment options including cash on delivery ( For Lagos Only), Bank Transfers, and Credit card  payments by Squad Payment Gateway

To list your products on Mazamazastores Marketplace, you need to create a seller account, and we will take the charge of taking the pictures of your products and uploading them to the website.

Mazamazastores Marketplace provides a variety of support services to its sellers, including training, account management, marketing support, vendor support service and product control management

Mazamazastores Marketplace handles all the shipping and delivery towards the customer for all products that are sold on the platform.

Sellers receive payments for their sales on Mazamazastores Marketplace through bank transfers or squad payment transfer after 2-3 days the products were sold.

Some products may not be listed as a matter of compliance with legal or regulatory restrictions (for example, prescription drugs, crime scene photos. For detailed information, visit Seller Central Help to learn more about restrictions, and how to request approval for new products in certain categories.

Getting started is as simple as choosing a selling plan and setting up a Mazamazastores seller account. In order to complete your registration, make sure you have access to your bank account number, email address, contact phone number,complete shop address.

Top selling items on any given day may include Beverages, baby items, electronics, kitchen Fashion and accessories, Food stuffs and agro allied products—the list goes on

Yes Mazamazastores is a subscription website.

Vendors subscription fee is 10.000 Naira for a period of 90 days, subject to renewal automatically if the vendor did not sell anything during the 90days

Vendors will receive payment of their sold product a day after the product was sold except Sundays

No, Mazamazastores keep all their vendors products in their  warehouse

Vendors can monitor the movement of their products through their dashboard and when any of their products was sold, will automatically get alert on their phone and also on their email.

Mazamazastores  takes the responsibility of taking the pictures of the products and uploading them on the website

Vendors will sign a contract document with our partners agents or in our office that we are in custody of thier products, on the document it will figure the said products, quantity, description and price. A copy will be given to the vendor

Vendors registration and subscription can be done by the Vendor, our agents or by our customer service people at the Office.

Yes, the Subscription payment can be done directly in the website through credit card or bank transfer

Vendors and Non vendors can advertise thier products and services on the Homepage

Vendors have the flexibility to withdraw their product from Mazamazastores  Fulfilment Centre at any time

While your shop name is displayed prominently and helps to create a buyer’s impression of your shop, your username is primarily used by you when logging in to your account.

Shop name.  Your shop name is an important representation of your shop and essential for giving buyers a good impression.

Sending products to us does not depend to us, but the transport companies, you are free to choose the company you want to send your products to us. To get help about this, contact us. Our experts will help you to send your products to us.

Benefits of Selling on Mazamaza Stores


Its obvious that will give your business/shop an increase in visibility. More the visibility, the more the reach, and the more the reach, the more the sales. When you have your products on our platform we will make sure that your products reached the maximum shoppers thereby augmenting the possibilities of an improved revenue and equally helping you expand your businesses both locally and internationally. it also paves a way towards the development of brand awareness . As you know trying to sell abroad can be a mission impossible as shipping costs may double the product price. However our marketplace tend to offer more affordable shipping costs, which makes sellers more competitive.

COST REDUCTION will make things easier for you as a vendor, we handle the platform advert worldwide , SEO and even marketing strategies with periodical updates and training on the latest market trends for the local vendors. All you have to do is to create your shop, manage the products and prices you offer, and control the orders you receive. On the other hand, costs are reduced, since the investment and effort necessary to achieve those markets is titanic in terms of time and resources.


Selling on our platform not only facilitates increasing brand awareness or customer base but also boost your business image and brand worldwide. Establishing yourself as a seller on our marketplace does not mean to renounce to your brand image. As a professional seller, you’ll have your own brand name and logo. This will also make things easier for your customers: They will be able to rate your shop independently and also will be able to find your shop on the marketplace and to purchase your products instead of choosing other sellers of the same category. Let’s not reiterate the fact that selling on our marketplace platform can not only help you build a brand and bring you millions but also helps you increase your reach and multiply your existing network for a greater advantage.


Ensuring secure payments is crucial in online purchases, and our marketplace prioritizes this aspect. We have robust security measures comparable to those used by banks, safeguarding transactions against any potential cyber-attacks. Additionally, we have effective controls in place to manage and minimize the occurrence of frauds perpetrated by dishonest sellers and customers. Your payment experience on our platform is fortified with advanced security protocols, providing you with a safe and trustworthy environment for your online transactions..


As a seller, we will guide you through with the competition in the market. The level and intensity of the competition will help you determine the price of your products because pricing your products in correspondence to the competition is crucial. As an e-Commerce entrepreneur, analyzing the competition can also help formulate strategies, ensuring you will stay in uniformity with the market and other sellers. Evaluating the trends can help big time. When trends keep changing, you can identify the loopholes and add the products accordingly. Adding products which have a branding potential, those which solve problems, those about which people are passionate about and those which fulfills the needs and requirements can help you get to the top of the business.


We pay our vendors on Mazamaza US in US dollars for various benefits:
1.Currency Stability: Vendors are shielded from local currency fluctuations, ensuring stable transactions.
2. Global Trade Facilitation: Dollar transactions simplify international trade for Mazamaza stores.
3. Attracting Suppliers: Offering payments in a stable currency attracts international vendors to work with Mazamaza.
4. Hedging Against Inflation: Dollars act as a secure hedge against inflation compared to volatile local currencies.
5.Streamlined Accounting: Dealing in a single currency simplifies accounting, reducing complexities.
6.Enhanced Financial Planning: Predictable dollar payments support better financial planning for Mazamaza and vendors.
7.Increased Trust: Paying in a stable currency enhances trust, boosting credibility in relationships.
8. Reduced Exchange Rate Risk: Vendors enjoy financial security by avoiding risks linked to exchange rate fluctuations.

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